Church History

Bethlehem Baptist Church Established 1865
Once upon a time on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, a group of God fearing, dedicated, and faithful men and women heard the call of Jehovah God to build a house. This was no ordinary house, but the house of God. In the year of our Lord 1865, under the leadership of Reverend J. Doyle this group began the task set before them. When it was all done, it was called Bethlehem Baptist Church, which is currently located at 111 Bethlehem Lane in the town of Dalcour, Louisiana.
In its infancy, this was a small congregation that was limited in finances and education, but not in vision. These men and women of God knew that the bible said in Proverbs 29:18 “Where There is no Vision, The People Perish”. Over the course of its existence, Bethlehem faced many trials and tribulations. History indicates that Plaquemines Parish suffered devastations including the storm of 1915, Hurricane Flossy, Betsy, Camille, Katrina, Rita and Isaac which inundated the sanctuary with over six (6) feet of water. But, through it all the congregation of Bethlehem continued to lean and depend on Jesus knowing that they were standing on the promise of God that, “He Would Never Leave them nor Forsake them”.
Throughout its existence Bethlehem has been blessed with many great Spiritual leaders. Rev. J. Doyle served as the church’s first Pastor. Under Rev. Doyle’s leadership, the Word of God was preached, and souls were saved. He served until his pastorate expired. It was then that God called Rev. Lazarus Ben to lead His sheep. Rev. Ben served as Pastor for several years.
After the reign of Rev. Ben, the congregation appointed Reverend Adam Lewis as Pastor. Rev. Adam Lewis was called to the helm to lead the congregation in Spiritual maturity. Records also indicate that Rev. Adam Lewis was called to rest and was the first wake service to be held at Bethlehem Baptist Church. After Rev. Adam Lewis’ death, Bro. Jacob Lewis who served as the church Sunday School Superintendent and head Deacon carried the torch and was ordained and appointed Pastor. During the pastorate of Rev. Jacob Lewis, the church was met with devastation from a hurricane and was heavily damaged.
With a mind to work and the grace of God, Rev. Jacob Lewis and the congregation rebuilt the sanctuary. Rev. Jacob Lewis provided leadership and Spiritual growth until the Lord called him from Labor to Reward. Seeing the need of His people, God called Rev. Edmond Edwards to lead His people in Spiritual growth. Rev. Edward W. Johnson succeeded Rev. Edmond Edwards as Pastor of Bethlehem. Rev. Johnson being a bold soldier for the Lord, worked tirelessly, preaching and teaching the Word of Almighty God.
Under Rev. Johnson’s administration, the church continued to prosper. Some of the accomplishments of Rev. Johnson included the addition of a secretary office, Pastor’s study, a kitchen, two indoor restrooms, new pews, and two steeples on the sanctuary. Rev. Johnson also served as Pastor of St. Andrew Baptist Church of Braithwaite, La. Rev. Edward W. Johnson served until God called him home on December 14, 1976. Once again, the people of God were in search of leadership. Bro. Cornelius Alveris assumed a leadership role until Rev. Aaron I. Green, Sr. was appointed as Pastor in 1977.
Rev. Green demonstrated the ability to properly proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was always willing to help and give advice to those who sought it.
In the earlier years of Rev. Green’s leadership, the church took constant steps to better God’s House. The church first indoors-baptismal pool, central air and heating system and a Pastor’s Study on the rear of the church was added. Following the vision of Almighty God, and not settling for less for the Lord, Rev. Green spearheaded the reconstruction of the sanctuary. On January 29, 1995, the members of Bethlehem held a groundbreaking ceremony in observance of the reconstruction of the sanctuary.
With the task at hand, the congregation began having worship services at the St. Luke Baptist Church in Braithwaite, La., where Rev. Raymond Williams, Jr. served as Pastor and at the Sunrise Society Hall, which was in the rear of the current sanctuary.
In June of 1998, by the mercy of God, the construction was completed. In appreciation to God for the things He had done, on June 14, 1998, the congregation held a dedication service, with a motorcade from St. Luke Baptist Church to the remodeled sanctuary.
In dedication of the sanctuary, Rev. Green and the members of Bethlehem held daily services for thirty (30) days inviting various ministers and congregations to witness the historical event. During Rev. Green’s tenure many lives were changed. He served faithfully until becoming ill. During Rev. Green’s illness, Minister Morris Encalade along with the Deacons carried on the duties of the church. After Rev. Green’s death on October 3, 1999, the church was then again without a Pastor.
After the death of Rev. Green many Gospel Ministers were called in to assist the church. In February 2000, the officer and members of Bethlehem Baptist Church requested that the Christian Ministers Missionary Baptist Association, in which Rev. Green served as an officer before his death, appoint a minister to assist the church. The Association appointed Rev. Michael Wade Jiles, Sr. to temporarily assist the church until such time that they could find a Leader/Pastor to serve the church.
After serving the church on a temporary basis for three (3) months, Reverend Michael Wade Jiles, Sr. was asked by the officers and members of Bethlehem to serve as the Pastor. On June 9, 2000 by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and under the auspices of the Christian Ministers Missionary Baptist Association, Rev. Michael W. Jiles, Sr. was installed as Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Under Reverend Jiles’ leadership the church has been spiritually and physically renewed. Almighty God has shown favor in Bethlehem and is continuing to Bless in a mighty and miraculous way. God has blessed Rev. Jiles to ordain to the Gospel Ministry Rev. Morris Encalade; license and ordain to the Gospel Ministry Rev. Christopher Francis, Rev. Gerald Joseph, Rev. Michael Powell, and Rev. Willie Sylvester. He licensed to the Gospel ministry Minister Johnathan Hill, Minister James Travis, Minister Quinton Washington and Minister Antoine Duplessis, Jr.
By the grace of God, the $84,000.00 mortgage was paid off within two (2) years of Rev. Jiles’ leadership and the Note Burning Ceremony was held during the Church’s 137th Year Anniversary on June 9, 2002.
As in past years, on August 29, 2005, the storms raged and winds blew as Hurricane Katrina pushed her way through Southeast Louisiana causing massive flooding and severe damage. Most of the east bank of the Mighty Mississippi River was under water. But, by the Mercy and Grace of Almighty God; Bethlehem sustained minimal damage. This allowed the sanctuary to be used as a place of Worship for many congregants from throughout the Metro area. Once the people were allowed to return to Plaquemines Parish, the first worship service was held on November 6, 2005. Many pastors and their members worshipped at Bethlehem during this time.
Continuing Kingdom Building, two lots located at 258 Bertranville St. Bertranville, Louisiana were purchased to build a cemetery. The groundbreaking was held, and the official name “Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery” was given. A short time later, the cemetery was constructed. The cemetery consists of sixty- eight (68) Mausoleum Style tombs. The first body to occupy the cemetery was Mrs. Carrie Riley.
On February 5, 2012, two additional lots which are in the rear of the sanctuary were purchased. The purpose of purchasing this land was to build a Multi-Purpose Center. The church was in prayer and fasting and had great expectations of building this building. Plans were developed, finances were in place, contractors were secured, surveys were complete, but on August 29, 2012, Hurricane Isaac tried to block and stop us. Hurricane Isaac caused havoc in the town of Dalcour. The waters rose over 6 feet in the church causing total damage of everything in the church except the bible that laid on the pulpit (What a Miracle!!).
During the re-construction of the sanctuary which began on October 1, 2012, services were held at the Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church of Goodwill, Louisiana where Reverend Clarence L. Riley, Sr. serves as pastor. During these trying times, God dispatch angels from all of the world to help with the cleanup and re- building efforts of the community. Churches from all over came on the grounds of the sanctuary to offer labor, food, clothing, counseling, and prayer.
On Sunday, December 23, 2012, Bethlehem was able to return home and re-dedicate the sanctuary to Almighty God.
On July 12, 2013, a 25-passenger bus was purchased to offer transportation assistance to the congregants.
Although Isaac tried to stop and block us with his fierce winds and waters, the people of God prevailed. Standing on the promises of God that if we are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us; the ground-breaking service for the Multi-purpose Center was held on January 5, 2014. By God’s grace, Bethlehem opened the doors of the newly constructed Multi-Purpose Center Sunday, June 8, 2014.
In late 2015, strong winds blew as if a tornado passed through the area and destroyed the lighted sign which displayed encouraging Christian thoughts and other information. On March 3, 2016, a new sign was purchased and replaced. On May 16, 2016, a canopy to protect and cover the 25-passenger bus was purchased and installed.
With the members dedication, faithfulness, commitment, and willingness to follow the vision God has given Rev. Jiles, many other improvements were made including an addition to the multi-Purpose center which allowed additional space for the congregants. The construction began in November 2018 and the addition was completed and dedicated to the Lord on February 14, 2019. Also, an additional 64 mausoleum style tombs were added at Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery. If it wasn’t for the grace of God and the loyalty of the members, none of this would be.
Rev. Jiles continues to preach, teach, counsel, and witness to the people of God.
To God be the Glory for the things He has done. Bethlehem Baptist Church is forever grateful, and will continue to, “Seek and To Save That Which Was Lost.” (Luke 19:10)